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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑译林版五年级上册英语期末测试卷,以备借鉴。



1、在这个女孩的前面________________________ 2、play with my son _________________

3、擅长弹钢琴________________________ 4、send a picture _________________________

5、读一些故事书______________________6、every evening ______________________

7、在周末____________________        8、have a good time ______________________

9、在第二层________________________  10、buy a Christmas tree ___________________


1、There ____________(not be) any cats in my house .

2、Lucy usually ________(fly) a kite on Sundays .

3、My grandparents _________(have) a lot of friends in China .

4、Miss White is a ____________(write) .

5、I often play with ____________ (he) in the park .

6、Do you like _________(swim) in summer ?

7、I can skate very ___________ (good) .

8、How many _________ (people) are there in your family ?

9、The art room is on the ________ (one) floor of the building .

10、Aunt Wang can ________ books . She’s a __________ .(write)


(    )1、---What _______ the girl do ?  ---She’s ________ .

A do ; a cooker  B does ; cooking   C does ; a cook

(    )2、Wang Tao often _______ with me at weekends .

A plaies    B plays     C play

(    )3、It’s time _______ get up , Betty .

A as     B for     C to

(    )4、What do you usually do _________ Christmas ?

A on     B at      C in

(    )5、The _______ girl is my little sister .

A two    B second     C one

(    )6、My grandparents often _______ films on Sunday evenings .

A watchs    B watches    C watch

(    )7、Helen always sends __________ emails to her friends .

A an     B a       C some

(    )8、How many ________ are there in the classroom ?

A student    B children    C boy

(    )9、I like skating . He ________ likes skating .

A to     B also     C too

(    )10、They talk about __________ .

A they birthday  B their birthdays   C their birthday


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