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学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了2015学年度五年级上册英语期末试卷,希望对您有所帮助!



(    )1. A. from        B. forest    C. floor

(    )2. A. bear          B. boat          C. body

(    )3. A. wait    B. wet        C. let

(    )4. A. right       B. rabbit    C. really

(    )5. A. again    B. about       C. afraid

(    )6. A. farmer    B. farm         C. find

(    )7. A. Australia   B. also              C. autumn

(    )8. A. push        B. policeman   C. please



(    )1. A. No, there isn’t.        B. Yes, there are.      C. Thirty.

(    )2. A. Yes, he does.            B. He has a parrot.         C. No, he doesn’t.

(    )3. A. Yes, there are.             B. Yes, they are      C. No, they are.

(    )4. A. She likes PE.          B. He likes running.     C. He likes PE very much.

(    )5. A. We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.

B. We play on the swing in the garden.

C. Yes, we do.


(    )1. There is no tea on the table.

(    )2. Cows have big bodies and long tails.

(    )3. Tom’s father is a bus driver.

(    )4. Tina shows her friends around her new house.

(    )5. Children like sweets very much.

(    )6. Su Hai’s mother works in a factory.


It is Monday afternoon. The             are in the _____________. They are talking about __________ weekends. Ben _________ does his homework on Sundays. ___________ he goes to the park _______ his father. Kate likes ________      books .So she goes to the library every week. Mike __________   ___________at home. May and Helen usually          each other on Sundays.



1. cousin   cinema  (    )    2.watch  wait   (    )      3. has   music (    )

4. jump   subject  (    )    5.young  fly    (    )      6.summer  bus  (    )


1. 在三楼     ____________________         5. watch films   ______________________

2. 写一封电子邮件_________________         6. sick people  _______________________

3. 擅长于   ______________________         7. sunny weather ___________________

4. 教数学  _________________               8. get up early   _____________________


(    ) 1 Su Yang likes_____ kites. She often_____kites.

A. flying; fly       B. fly; flies      C.flying; flies

(    ) 2. What _____Tim______? He ______ a rubber duck.

A. does; have; have     B. do; has; has     C. does; have; has

(    ) 3. Mr Turkey________sad. What’s wrong with ______?

A. looks; him          B. look; him       C. looks; he

(    ) 4. There aren’t ____cakes in the fridge.

A. some              B.  any             C. a

(    )  5. There are two apples. _______ is green, ______ is red.

A. One, one             B. One, other       C. One, the other

(    )  6. Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong are twins. They________ like sports.

A. all                  B. both             C. are

(    )  7. The man has_____ bread_____ milk . He’s hungry and thirsty.

A. some, and            B. no, and          C. no, or

(    )  8. Children’s Day is coming. I buy some things________ my friends.

A. for                  B. to               C. give

(    )  9. ----What’s your hobby?

----                        .

A. I like bananas.          B. I like skating.      C. I like Art.

(    )  10.----Look! This is our new school.----___________________.

A. What beautiful.         B. How beautiful school.   C. What a beautiful school.


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