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各科成绩的提高是同学们提高总体学习成绩的重要途径,大家一定要在平时的练习中不断积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了五年级英语上册期末测试卷,希望同学们牢牢掌握,不断取得进步!


(   ) 1. A. train       B. bus       C. jacket

(   ) 2. A. Canada      B. China      C. Chinese

(   ) 3. A. sweater     B. shirt      C. clothes

(   ) 4. A. these       B. those      C. this

(   ) 5. A. nurse       B. teach      C. worker


1. this ( 复数 ) ________     2.slow( 反义词)  _______

3. young(反义词) _______     4.too (同音词)   _______

5. arrive in (汉语) ________  6.have(单三)______

7.do(单三)_________           8.that(复数)________

9、long(反义词)_______    10、The Great wall(汉语)______


1、My grandfather has______(白色的) hair.

2、Uncle DaChao is tall and_____(瘦的).

3、she likes to_________(烹调).

4、LiLin is my little______(妹妹).

5、Is Aunt Li Yan a  _________(工人) ?


(     )1.go for a walk         A.乘飞机

(     )2.the Palace Museum     B.故宫博物馆

(     )3.by plane              C.去散步

(     )4.fly kites             D. 首都

(     )5.plant flowers         E. 旅行计划

(     )6.a flag of Australia   F.瀑布

(     )7.travel plan           G.放风筝

(     )8.from…to….           H.一个幅澳大利亚国旗

(     )9.the capital city      I.种花

(     )10.waterfall            J. 从….到…


(   ) 1. My mother _______a brother.

A. has     B.have    C. is

(   ) 2. I love to go ______ trips!

A. on     B. in     C. for

(   ) 3. It’s a map of _______ .

A. China     B. china    C. Chinese

(   ) 4. We go to Beijing ______ bus.

A. in       B. on       C. by

(   ) 5. How far is it ______ Beijing to Shijiazhuang?

A. from      B. to         C. for

(   ) 6. Jing ______ to water flowers.

A.like      B.liking     C.likes

(   )7.What do you do_____the Spring Festival?

A.in                B.at              C.for

(    )8、May  I go  shopping?  Yes,  ________.

A、you  may  B、you  can      C、you  do

(   )9、 We are China ,We______ Chinese.

A.say      B.speak      C.talk

(     )10、We live_____ China.

A.on           B.at          C.in

(    )11、当你想说我叔叔是一名医生时,应说:______

A.My aunt is a doctor.      B. My uncle is a doctor.

(     )12、当你想说我能去北京吗?应说:“__________

A.May I go to BeiJing?    B. May I go BeiJing?

(     )13、当你想说你属于哪年的,应说:“_________

A.What is your year ?      B.Which is your year?

(     )14、当你想知道美国英国首都是什么时,可能会问:

A、How is the capital city of the U.S.?

B、What’s the capital city of the U.S.?

(    )15、你想问对方喜欢做什么,应说:

A、What   do  you  like  to   do ?

B、What  do  you  like ?


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