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我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了小学五年级上册英语综合训练卷,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!



1.box (复数形式)

2. parents(所有格)

3.there is(缩略形式)

4. for(同音词)

5.I would(缩略形式)

6. China(形容词)


8. Let’s(完全形式)


10.can not(缩略形式)




1.What would you like ?__________ some apples .

A. I like B. I’d like C. They are

2.Shall we go and play there ?__________ .

A. Good idea B. You’re right C. You’re wrong

3.There____ some tea in the cup near the TV .

A. be B. are C. is

4.Where’s your classroom ? It’s ____the teachers’ office .

A. in B. on C. near

5.Are there ____trees in the garden ? Yes , there are .

A. a B. any C. some

6.What’s in the cupboard ?__________ some bowls .

A. There are B. They’re C. There is

7.Where’s the park ?__________

A. There is near the school B. It’s near the school C. They are near the school

8.There is a boy____ the tree . Let’s go and ask him to come down .

A. under B. on C. in

9.Who’s the boy ____green ? He’s my brother .

A. in B. on C. with

10.What ____in your room ? There are two desks .

A. am B. are C. is

11.There is a map ____the world ____the wall .

A. of ; on B. of ; in C. of ; under

12.There ____a desk and some chairs over there .

A. is B. are C. am

13.There____ any pictures on the wall .

A. are B. aren’t C. isn’t

14.There ____a pair of shoes behind the door .

A. is B. are C. am

15.What’s near the window ?__________ .

A. There is a desk B. It’s a desk C. They are desks


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