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为了帮助小学五年级的学生巩固五年级上册第七单元知识的掌握程度。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了小学五年级上册英语第七单元自测题 ,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!




2.the vase on the bed


4. go and join them


6.run after


8. the girl in blue


10.this evening


1.Do you like ________ ?

A. swimming B. swim C. swiming

2.Where are _____ pens ? _____ are in ______ bags.

A. their; Their ; they B. their; They; they C .their; They; their

3.There aren’t _____ windows in this room. Are there _____ in your rooms?

A. some ; any B. any; any C. any; some

4.---What are you doing? ---I _____ a picture book.

A. is reading B. reading C. am reading

5. The dog can’t _____ on the slide.

A. play B. is playing C. playing

6.Listen to Miss Li and follow _____ __

A. she B. him C. her

7.____ Ben and his mother buying things for Halloween party?

A. Am B. Is C. Are

8. Tony can’t find his cat. He is ______ it in the house.

A. looking for B. looking at C. look after

9. ---Can you see ______ woman ______ blue? ---Yes, Ican.

A. the, in B. a, on C. a, in

10. ---______ Nancy riding a bike? ---Yes, ______ .

A. Is, she is B. Is, she isn’t C. Are, she is.

11. ---______ is Wang Bing? ---He is in the playground.

A. What B. Where C. How

12.Is he ______ on a volleyball?

A. sits B. sit C. sitting

13. Please ______ the picture. What can you ______?

A. look at, see B. look, find C. look at, look

14. Jim is sitting on the sofa. He’s watching ______ TV now.

A. a B. the C. /

15. I can’t ______ , but I can ______ .

A. sing, sing B. singing, dancing C. sing, dance


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