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我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了2015年小学五年级上英语第七单元练习卷,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!



( ) 1. A. always   B. makes   C. jumps     D. cooks

( ) 2. A. back        B. chat        C. animal     D. fast

( ) 3. A. does       B. front        C. sorry      D. sometimes

( ) 4. A. work       B. nurse       C.horse        D. her

( ) 5. A. foot        B. too          C. good        D. cook

( ) 6. A. visit         B. write        C. fridge   D. music


( )1. John’s hobby is ______ football.

A. play B. plays C. playing D. played

( )2. The girl usually chats ______her parents ______the Internet.

A. to; in B. with; on C. with; in D. and; in

( )3. He’s not______. He can’t play basketball______ .

A. fast; good B. strong; well C. strong; good D. strong; better

( )4. He often ______with me.

A. doing homework B. go home C. watches cartoon D. watches cartoons

( )5. Lily usually ______kites in the park_____weekends.

A. flys; at B. flies; in C. flies; at D. flys; in

( )6. Do you have any sweets? Yes,_________.

A. I have B.I do. C. I am D. I have any

( )7. The fat boy eats_____ every evening.

A. a lot on B. a lot C. a lot of D. lots of

( )8.I like _______ very much.

A. draw B. Maths C. swiming D. draws

( )9. What ______Helen’s family usually do?

A. does  B. is  C. do  D. are

( )10. I think these ________kites are beautiful.

A. peach B. peaches C. the peach D. peachs

( )11.It’s time ____________.

A. play basketball B. to bed C. for play basketball D. for bed

( )12. Miss Li teaches______English this term. We all like_____.

A. us; she B. us; her C. me; her D. me; hers


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