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我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了五年级英语上册第六单元测验卷2015,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!



1. 我的英语老师

2. read an interesting story

3. 制造汽车

4. wake up

5. 一位作家朋友

6. Christmas Eve

7. 一位老农民

8. send them to my friends

9. 我的网友

10. a pretty stocking

11. 游泳游得

12. what subject

13. 居住在中国

14. Chinese addresses

15. 放风筝

16. so many workers

17. 和刘涛一起玩

18. give her some sweets

19. 喜欢聊天

20. write stories


1. I like _________ (make) cards with my friends .

2. I can see many _________ (cow) on the farm .

3. _________ you good at _________ (dance) ?

4. My parents all like _________ (watch) films at weekends .

5. Would you like two _________ (glass) of orange juice ?

6. Let’s _________ (eat) some hamburgers . We _________ (be) hungry .

7. Mike’s cousins _________ (have) a good time in the park .

8. Tina can’t _________ (put) the ball on _________ (she) head .

9. Helen often _________ (have) a big lunch with her family .

10. Liu Tao often _________ (go) to school by bike .

11. Sam and Bobby often go _________ (skate) in winter .

12. I like _________ (flower) very much . I have many _________ (flower) stamps .

13. --- _________ Mary often _________ (do) housework ?--- No , she .

14. Wang Bing usually _________ (visit) his grandparents on Saturdays .

15. The little boy draws _________ (good) . He likes _________ (draw) .

16. My e-friend is an _________ (America) girl . What about yours ?

17. Where _________ your grandparents _________ (like) ?

18. Let’s _________ (take) the bird to the forest .

19. David _________ (live) in Beijing with his family .

20. --- Where _________ Mr Green _________ (come) from ?--- He _________ (come) from the US .


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