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2015牛津版五年级英语上册单元试卷:Unit 5



如何激发英语学习的兴趣、如何提高英语考试的成绩呢?做题时最有效的方法。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了牛津版五年级英语上册单元试卷,希望大家多练,及时提高自己的英语成绩!

牛津版五年级英语上册单元试卷:Unit 5

一. 选择

(   )1.In the US, we call a policeman a “_______”.  A. fireman  B. firefighter  C. cop

(   )2.Su Hai’s parents are _______.  A. cooks,  B.cookers  C. cookes

(   )3.【易错】There are four        in my family.  A.people  B. peoples C.a people

(   )4.【易错】Can you help me        my homework? A.doing  B.for  C.with

(   )5.Helen is good at      .  A.dance     B.danceing    C. dancing

(   )6.【易错】--What do they do,Jim? --They’re      . A.a driver B. driver C. drivers

(   )7.--What        Nancy and Mike eat in the morning? A.do  B.does   C.are

(   )8.【易错】I        my mother        housework every week.

A.helps;does   B.help;does    C. help;do

(   )9.--     these people      ? --No,they are      .

A.Is;doctors;nurses   B. Are;doctors;nurses    C. Are;doctor;nurses

(   )10.【易错】--      your father at home? --No,he’s       a factory.

A.Is;in   B.Does;in  C. Is;on

(   )11.--What       your hobbies? --I like dancing and      .

A.are;sing   B. is;singing   C. are;singing

(   )12.--     do you like      ? -- I like apple juice.

A.What;drinking      B. What;drink      C. Where;drinking

(   )13.--Can I      a film? --No!You must       books.

A.look;look   B.watch;read    C. watch;reading

(   )14.Let’s      .  A.help sick people  B. helps sick people  C. helping sick people


1.What are _____(them) jobs? They are farmers.

2.The girl ____(look) happy.

3.He is a _____(work). He ______(work) in a big factory.

4.Miss Li likes        . She can          well. (swim)

5.【易错】Doctors and nurses           (help)sick people.

6.What are           (them) jobs? They are farmers.

7.______( Who) that woman? She is my aunt.

8.There are some         (policeman) beside the shop.

9.What about        (go) swimming,Mike?

10.        (be) your father a policeman?

11.He can        (make) cakes.

12.There are some         (policeman) over there.

13.There aren’t any         (work) in the factory.

14.       Sam       (have) any apples?

15.       your sister a        (nurse)?


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