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期中考试是为了检验学生半个学期所学的知识而进行的一次考试,有利于学生比较正式地检验自己平时的学习水平。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了2015年小学五年级英语上册期中检测卷,供大家学习时使用。



1. one(序数词)

2. too(同义词)

3. hobby(复数)

4. let’s(完全形式)

4. have(第三人称单数)

6. Mike(所有格)

5. three(序数词)

8. drawing(原形)

6. swim(现在分词)

10. doesn’t(完全形式)

二、 单项选择

1. There is ___________umbrella behind the door. ______ umbrella is nice.

A.an;The B.an; An C. a ; The D. the;An

2. He cannot see________ pies at the snack bar.

A.some B.any C. a D.no

3. _______ is popular in China.

A.Coffee B. Tea C.Milk D. Juice

4. Mike likes________ table tennis. He can________well.

A.playing;play B. .playing;playing C. play;playing D. play;play

5. The cakes are too_______. Do you have any soft ones?

A.small B.soft C.hard D.white

6. His hobby is ___________.w W w .X k b 1.c O m

A.reads books B.reading book C.read books D.reading books

7. It has _____legs _______arms.

A.no;and B. some;or C.no;or D.any;or

8. There are two cats under the tree. One is fat and __________is thin.

A. the other B. other C. the one D. one

9. _________ only four years old, but ______ animal friend is eight.

A. He’s ; his B. He’s; he’s C. She’s; she’s D. She;her

10. There ________ some milk in the bowl.

A.is B.are C.has D.have


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