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一个学期一次的期中考试马上就要开始了,同学们正在进行紧张的复习。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015小学英语上册五年级期中测试卷,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。



一、 找出你所听到的内容,填序号 (听一遍)(每小题1分,共10分)

(   )1、 A.happy            B. hungry  C.thirsty

(   )2、 A. forest B.parrot  C.rabbit

(   )3、 A. wet B.hat  C.well

(   )4、 A.China  B. Canada  C.Australia

(   )5、 A.just right   B. all right

C.just now

(   )6、 A.between  B.beside   C.behind

(   )7、 A.art room B.classroom   C.library

(   )8、 A.too cold  B.too hot    C.too hard

(   )9、 A.long ears B.a short tail  C.a big mouth

(   )10、 A.look at  B.look out   C.look for


(    )1. A. There’s a radio in Mike’s bedroom.      B. There’s a TV in Mike’s bedroom.

C. There isn’t a computer in Mike’s bedroom.

(    )2. A. They can skate.                      B. They have skate shoes.

C. They can’t skate.

(    )3. A.They aren’t students.                  B. They read English in the afternoon.

C. They read English in the evening.

(    )4. A. Bobby is not happy, he is afraid.      B. Sam is on the swing. Bobby push him.

C. Bobby likes playing the swing. He’s very happy.

(    )5. A. Mike and Liu Tao can play football.    B. Ben and Liu Tao can play basketball.

C. Mike and Ben can play football.

三、根据所听对话内容,回答问题 (听三遍)(每小题1分,共5分)

1. Where is the Music room? _______________________________________________

2. How many table tennic rooms are there in the building? ________________________

3. Is there a toilet in the building?

4. Where’s the TV room?

5. What’s on the third floor?



1.The girl is  i       f          of the three bears.

2.Nancy’s c       is on the s         floor.

3.My friend Yang Ling c       p       the piano w

4. On the f            floor, there is an a        room

b             the m           room.


(    )  1. —How many students are there in the classroom?   —_______ twenty.

A .There’re        B. They’re         C .There’s      D. These’re

(     ) 2. ________ is Helen singing? She’s singing in the music room.

A. What               B. Where                C. Who        D. How

(     ) 3. Mike and his friends are singing in the room_____________ their teachers.

A. with            B. and              C. to          D. at

(     ) 4. Helen likes           . She can          many beautiful pictures for us.

A. drawing ; drawing   B. draw; draw.      C. drawing; draw  D. draw; drawing

(     ) 5. Sandy’s mother       a telescope, but we don’t        one.

A. has; has         B, have; has       C. has; have      D. have; have

(     ) 6. There isn’t        tea in this cup, but there is       in that one.

A. any; any        B. some; any       C. some; some    D. any; some

(     ) 7. In the US I live on the first floor, but in the UK. The first floor is the       floor.

A. first            B. second          C. third     D. ground

(     ) 8. Jim and Mary       good      English and Computer.

A. are…in        B. is…in          C. are…at       D. is…at

(     ) 9. Nancy likes dancing. The twins like dancing,        . They        have the

same hobby.

A. too; both        B. too ; all          C. to; both        D. to; all

(     ) 10. My animal friend has          legs         arms. What is it?

A. some; some     B. no ; or          C. no; and        D. two; two


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