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期中考试是对同学们刚过去半学期学习成果的一次大盘点、大检阅,同时也是对同学们综合素质的一次挑战。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学五年级上册英语期中试题及答案,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。


Listening part  (听力部分)  40%

一、Listen and choose,( 听音,选出你所听到的内容。) 10%

1、 A. strong        B. strict       C. short

2、 A. sweet        B. salty        C. yummy

3、 A. Saturday       B. Tuesday       C. Thursday

4、 A. homework      B. housework       C. work

5、 A. mouth        B. mountain      C. mouse

6、 A. cabbage and fish  B. cabbage and tofu   C. fish and tomato

7、 A. fruit        B. from        C. frog

8、 A. healthy       B. yummy        C. fresh

二、Listen and match,( 听音,连线。) 10%

Mary       young and active

Tom       tall and strong

Linda       strict but kind

Mr Wu      funny and short

Miss Lin      short and thin

三、Listen and choose,( 听问句,选答句。) 5%

1、 A. She’s pretty,          B. She likes watching TV.

2、 A. Yes , they are sweet,     B. No, I don’t,

3、 A. I like grapes,         B. I like green beens,

4、 A.We have computer and English,  B,We often do homework and watch TV,

5、 A. It’s Sunday,         B.It’s Saturday,

四、Listen and write, ( 听音,补充句子 。) 10%

1. I like __________, It’s  _______________,

2. What do you do _________  ___________ ?

3. Is she ____________ ?   No , she is ______________.

4. Who is  __________ English ____________?

5. I often do __________ and  _________ computer games,

五、Listen and tick or cross, ( 听短文,判断正误,正的写 T ,错的写 F ) 5%

(  ) 1. Miss Brown is tall and thin,

(   ) 2. She often reads books and listens to music,

(   ) 3. Our Chinese teacher is Mr Brown,

(   ) 4. Miss Brown is our principal,

(   ) 5. We like Mr Brown very much,

Writing Part (笔试部分)


1.A. peach    B. bread    C. sheep    D. jeans

2.A. thin     B. that     C. math    D. there

3.A. our     B. mouth    C. house    D. yellow

4.A. floor    B. frog     C. from    D. fruit

5.A. what     B. who     C. why     D. white


1. It’s time ________- ?

A. to get up     B. for get up    C. gets up

2. When is _______________,

A.   Mother day     B. mother’s Day   C. Monther’s Day

3. What _________ you like ________ dinner ?

A. would to     B. do for  C. would for

4. What can you ________

A. do B. dooes  C. have

5. —Who’s that young woman?

—________  my aunt,

A. She    B.She’s    C. Her

6. — What do you ________ for lunch ?

—Fish and tofu

A. had  B.have  C. has

7. Noodles are my favourite __________.

A. fruit    B. drink   C. food

8. I like beef and chicken , but I am heavy now. I have to eat more _____.

A. vegetbales   B. mutton   C. water

9. ____________ about you ?

A. Where  B. When  C. What

10. The first day of a week is  __________

A. Monday    B. Saturday   C. Sunday


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