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期中考试复习的时候需要同学们明确考试重点,将考试基础知识与重点知识从头到尾梳理一遍,另外还需要做一些题。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了2015-2016学年五年级上学期英语期中卷 ,希望对同学们有所帮助 。



1.th__ __ 那么,就                        2.l __ t 让

3.s__ __ __ t __ __ __s 有时            4.g __ __ e 给

5.n __ __ __ t 夜晚                      6.f __ __ m  从...起

7.pl __ __ gr__ __nd 操场,运动场       8.f __ __ 达,计

9.h__ __ vy 重的                        10.t __ 直到


1.trick or treat _______________ 2.tidy up ______________

3.lots of________________ 4.tell stories________________

5.look different ________________


(    )1. There are many ________ over there.

A. sweet        B. sweets       C. egg

(    )2.There ________ a clock here before.

A. is            B. isn’t         C. wasn’t

(    )3. - Do you like the park now?

- Yes, I _______.

A. do            B. did          C. don’t

(    )4. There ______ tall trees now.

A. were          B. are          C. is

(    )5.There wasn’t a _______ in my family.

A. child       B. children     C. boys

(    )6.Please help _____ put the bags in the car.

A.I           B. me          C. his

(    )7.Many families go _____ the supermarkets together.

A. on         B. at            C. to

(    )8.Look _____ the hats and the masks.

A. at          B. in            C. to

(    )9.It’s ______ autumn festival in the UK.

A. a           B. an           C. /

(    )10.How ______ eggs are there?

A. many        B. much        C. to

(    )11.Children wear ______ clothes at Halloween.

A. beautiful      B. big        C. scary

(    )12.How _______ your school?

A. at             B. many        C. about

(    )13.I’m going __________.

A. playing football   B. to play football   C. to playing football

(    )14.Please _____ to my birthday party.

A. come           B. to come        C. comes

(    )15. - What’s that?

- ____________.

A. It’s Monday.     B. It’s a cat.       C. I’m eleven.


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