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尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 为您提供的新标准五年级英语期中考试试题,希望给您带来启发!


(   )1.Chinese  teacher       (  )2.book food

(   )3.cat  apple             (  )4.dear pear


1.  come    yesterday   you   back  did (?)

2. Daming     father   a   his   photo   of  took (.)

3. bought    mum   a   new  T-shirt   for   me(.)

4. did   at   the  do  weekend   what  you(?)


(  )1.We visited lots ___places.

A. on     B. of      C. at

(  )2.I___my ice cream yesterday.

A. drop        B.dropped        C. droped

(  )3. _______oranges do you want?

A. How many       B. How much        C. How

(  )4.A: ----Was it Sam’s schoolbag?     B:----

A.Yes, it is.          B.No, it was.          C. Yes,it was.

(  )5.A:----Can you run fast?         B:----____.

A. No, she can.        B.No, I can’t.      C. Yes, I do.

(   )6. Look! There _____ a boat on the lake.

A. is         B. are        C. be

(   )7. What’s the London Eye? It’s a big_____.

A. clock       B. wheel          C. wheels

(   )8.____ did you go yesterday. —Beijing

A.  What       B.  Where        C.  How many

(   )9----___ is the pictures?----It’s on the wall..

A.How        B.Whose         C.Where

(   )10. ----How  much  cheese do you want? ----

A.Half  a  kilo      B .A kilo half    C .Kilo of  half

(  )11.“_____did you go to Beijing ?”  “I wen there by plane.”

A.What       B.Where       C. How

(  )12.I____back from Beijing last week.

A.come      B.comed       C.came

(  )7.He goes to Beijing ____.

A.by bus       B.by a bus       C.ride bus

(  )13.---___you live in London? –No, I didn’t.

A.Do        B. Does       C.Did

(  )14.They went there    8 o’clock.

A. on   B.with   C.at   D.in

(  )15.There are twenty-five___in the class.

A.child     B.children       C.childrens    D.childs


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