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就快期中考试了,同学们该如何复习呢?建议同学们多背诵重点知识,多做题。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015年五年级英语上册期中检测卷,希望能够 帮助大家更好的复习所学知识。


一. 听音,选出你听到的单词。(5分)

1.(   )A. textbook     B. notebook    C. workbook

2. (    ) A. enjoy       B. funny       C. what

3. (    ) A. hundred      B. body       C. class

4. (    ) A. easy         B. magic      C. tell

5 .(    ) A. no           B. yes        C. not

二. 听音,选出你听到的短语。(5分)

1. (    )  A. on Friday    B. on Tuesday

2. (    ) A. Why not      B. social studies

3. (    ) A. how about     B. what about

4. (    ) A. work hard     B. have a picnic

5. (    ) A. look for       B. look after

三. 听音,选出你听到的句子。(5分)

1.(    ) A. What are you doing?   B. What’s the missing word?

2.(    ) A. The horse is running.   B. The bird is singing.

3.(    ) A. How old are you?      B. How are you?

4.(    ) A. I like PE best.         B. I like art best.

5.(    ) A. You’re welcome       B. Thank you.

四. 听音,选出你听到问句的答语。(5分)

A.It’s hers.      B.Saturday.

C.One hundred.   D.They are watching TV.

E.English.          ________________



1. _______(谁的) book is it?

2.What’s your favourite _________(学科)。

3.I don’t like maths, because it’s ________(无趣的)。

4.-How many pages are there in the box?   -One _______(一百)。

5.Peter is ________(在睡觉)。


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