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英语学习在小学生学习中是非常重要的,小学生要从小打好英语学习的基础。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了人教版五年级英语上册四单元册测试题,同学们需要认真作答!


一、 读句子,根据汉语提示写出单词

1、What can you do for the party?  I can ___________________.(唱英语歌)

2、Can you _______? (跳舞) No, I can’t. But I can ______________(练武术)

3、What do you often do on the weekend?

I often _________________(画漫画)and ___________________.(弹琵琶)

4、Do you often _____________________?(打篮球) Yes, and I often __________________________, too.  (打乒乓球)

5、Our English teacher is very kind. He can _________________well.(说英语)

6、We’ll have an English ____________next Wednesday. (聚会)

7、Boys can ___________(游泳) in the _______________.(河流)

8、Robin can ___________ (烹饪)the beef noodles.

9、There is a _____________(时钟) _____________(在…上面) the desk.

10、There are so many __________(植物) in the _____________.(房子)

11、My _________________(水瓶) is ___________(在旁边) the computer.

12、I have a new ______(自行车). It’s ______________(在…前面)the table.

13、__________(在…后面)the chair there are many ____________.(照片)

14、There are many ______________(花朵) in the garden.

15、The ball is ____________the desk and the chair. ( 在…中间)

16、Is there a ___________(森林)in the __________________.(自然公园)

17、There are two_________(湖泊) on the __________________.(高山)

18、Are there any ____________(建筑物)in your city城市?  Yes, there are.

19、There is a __________(桥) in our _______________.(村庄)

20、There are many _________(树木) on the __________.(山丘)

21、Let’s ______________________.(去划船)  Great.


1、you, what, do, can ?   _________________________________?

2、sing, can, I, English, songs. ______________________________.

3、an, we, party, will, English, Tuesday, next, have.


4、any, can, do, kung, you, fu ? ______________________________?

5、Amy, the, do, for, can, party, what ?


6、sing, song, Robin, can, Birthday, the.


7、do, what, have, you, Thursdays, on?


8、plant, a , there, clock, is, and, a, the, in, room.


9、here, computer, desk, the, on, my, is.


10、nice, a, there, photo, is. ____________________________.

11、are, so, there, plants, many, front, of, the, house, in.


12、is, the, where, photo? ______________________________?

13、is, tree, beside, house, there, a, the .


14、a, park, there, river, is, in, the ?


15、there, tall, any, buildings, are, the, nature, park, in ?


16、not, there, any, are, ducks, the , on, lake.



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