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同学们一定要及时掌握所学知识,及时通过做题来检测自己的英语学习水平。威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了小学五年级英语上册4单元测试题,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!


一 选出你所听到的单词 10

1. (     ) A .run    B. ran     C. line   D.can

2. (     ) A .stop    B. shop    C. drop  D.hop

3.  (     )   A. place   B. plant   C. past  D.pair

4.  (     )  A. shout    B. shorts  C. sports  D.short

5.  (     )  A. wear    B. wall    C. well    D. wore

二 听句子,选出你所听到的句子,并将答案序号写在题前括号内10

(    ) 1.  A . She liked the bus ride best

B.  She liked the bus best.

C . He liked the bus ride best

(     )  1.  A. We came back last Sunday.

B. We came back last Saturday .

C. They came back last Sunday.

(      ) 2.  A, It took us one hour and twenty minutes.

B. It took me one hour and forty minutes.

C. It took them one hour and twelve minutes.

(      )  3.  A. They arrived there at ten o’clock.

B. we arrived there at three o’clock.

C. They arrived here at ten o’clock.

(     )   4. A. Where did you go at the weekend ?

B. What did you do at the weekend ?

C. Where did you go last weekend ?

(     )   5.  A. He lose the cap.

B.He lost the cap.

C. He lost the hat.


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