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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了英语五年级下册期末综合复习卷,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!


足球   mouse     梳子     straw

猫    fish     麦杆     towel

老鼠   bird     毛巾     comb

鱼    football   匙子     chopsticks

鸟    cat      筷子     spoon


1、What is it doing ?  It is        .

A. run   B. runing   C.   running

2、I        a watch.

A. have   B. has  C.  am

3、This is         key .

A.  Tom   B.Tom‘s  C. Toms

4、We tell the time with        .

A. a straw  B. a ruler  C. a watch

5、We cut bread with a        .

A.  pencil  B. knife  C. comb

6、Every day I wash my hands with     .

A.  butter  B. soap  C. comb

7、Ann      a bicycle .

A.  have  B. has  C. is

8、Where is Tom ?     is in the park .

A.  He   B. She   C.he

9、Where   the girs going ? They are going to th beach .

A.  am  B. is    C.  are

10、       ?   It’s ten o‘clock.

A. What’s the time? B. What‘s this? C. Where is it going ?


friend  school   sweet   frog    garden

hospital  brush    whose   market   danger

mouse    towel   dollar   afraid    food


1、How old are you ? I’m nine.


2、How much is an orange ? Fifty cents.


3、Ann is washing her hair .


4、The boys are kicking a football.


5、A frog is coming .


6、What‘s the time ? It’s ten o‘clock .



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