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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了五年级期末调研检测试卷,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!


一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容 (10%)

(    ) 1. A and                 B ant              C at

(    ) 2. A red                 B read             C ready

(    ) 3. A still               B stay             C story

(    ) 4. A lift                B left             C leg

(    ) 5. A 8:45                B 9:15             C 8:15

(    ) 6. A talk                B take             C tell

(    ) 7. A insects             B interesting      C Internet

(    ) 8. A French              B France           C friend

(    ) 9. A on Tusday           B on Thursday      C on Saturday

(    ) 10.A He would like to catch butterfilier

B He would like to catch fireflies

C He would like to catch dragonflies.

二、听录音,选出相应的答语 (5%)

(     ) 1.A It’s  Chinese.  B I like English.  C It’s Monday

(     ) 2.A He's ill .          B She has got a cold .         C She feels cold .

(     ) 3.A She often goes shopping .    B He often waters flowers .

C He often stays at home .

(     ) 4.A I’m from China. I’m Australian.B I’m from the UK, I’m British.

C I’m from USA, I’m American.

(     ) 5.A At a quarter to eight .B At a quarter past nine .C At a quarter past seven .


(    ) 1. A Science                B Social science          C Computer studies

(    ) 2. A Yes , he does .           B No , he doesn't .         C He speaks French .

(    ) 3. A He goes to the park . B He goes to visit his grandma . C He does his homework .

(    ) 4. A To the cinema           B To the supermarket .        C To the hospital .

(    ) 5. A On foot                B By bike                  C By school bus

四、听录音,完成下列句子 (10%)

1.—— Where are you           ?   —— I’m from            .

2.——                 is it?      —— It’s                 eight .

3.——         your        have any        ?    —— Yes,he


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