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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了五年级英语检测试题,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!

一.              听录音,选择你所听到的内容,将序号填在括号里。(10%)

1.(   ) A.park         B.small        C.near      D.grape 2.(   ) A.beside       B.behind       C.between   D.under 3.(   ) A.start         B.star         C.station     D.smart 4.(   ) A.toilet        B.garden       C.pair       D.hall 5.(   ) A.telephone    B.lamp         C.elephant   D.music 6.(   ) A.lesson       B.listen        C.kitchen    D.chicken 7.(   ) A.this         B.these         C.those     D.that 8.(   ).A.housework   B.homework    C.Sunday    D.Saturday 9.(   ) A.classroom    B.reading room  C.bedroom  D. sitting room 10(   )A.rectangle     B.triangle       C.circle      D.diamond 二.根据所听内容,将相应答语的序号填入括号内。(5%)

(   )1.No,my parents like cooking. (   )2.Yes,we do. (   )3.He is sweeping the floor. (   )4.Mary has some matches. (   )5.It’s a square. 三.听短文,判断对错(正T误F)。(5%)

(     ) 1. It’s Saturday afternoon . (     ) 2. The boys and girls are in the playground . (     ) 3. Some girls are running. (     ) 4. Three boys are playing football . (     ) 5. David is not playing football .


一.              选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(8%)

(   )1.A.like       B.white      C.five      D.with

(   )  2.A.pumpkin   B.duck      C.music     D.but      (   )  3.A.pig       B.chicken      C.ski      D.fridge      (   )  4.A.three     B.there        C.thin     D.things      (   )  5.A.blanket      B.candle      C.can’t     D.lantern      (   )  6.A.lesson     B.bedroom    C.these     D.head      (   )  7.A.bathroom  B.room       C.school    D.afternoon      (   )  8.A.sofa      B.model       C.those     D.nose 二、 根据英语描述写出单词 (6%)

1. father and mother                  _____________________ 2.If you are ill, you go there to see doctors. _____________________ 3.You sleep in this room                _____________________ 4.I’m very hot, I can use it to wash my face._____________________                                      5.I put some food in it, then I put it on the stove, then I cook._____________ 6.I can’t open the tin, then I can use it to open._________________    三.翻译下列词组。(10%)

1.  上数学课_____________________    6.the first day of the new term_________________ 2.  在小山附近___________________    7.pumpkin lanterns______________________ 3.  放风筝_______________________    8.some tins of fish___________________________ 4.  看起来很好___________________    9.help each other____________________________ 5.  读报_________________________    10.Here’s your change._______________________  四.选择填空。(10%)


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