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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学五年级下英语期末测试试卷,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!


(  )1. Monday           A. day         B. Tuesday      C. Friday

(  )2. hand              A. leg         B. foot          C. tape

(  )3. ant               A. bee         B. butterfly       C. dog

(  )4. headache          A. feel         B. cough         C. cold

(  )5. piano             A. guitar       B. blouse         C. violin


(  )6.That’s an apple,        apple is big and red.

A .an       B. a       C. the

(  )7.Touch your knee         your right hand.

A. with      B. of      C. in

(  )8.--        do you feel now?

--I still feel ill.

A. What    B. How    C. Which

(  )9.Look, my brother         in the classroom.

A. read     B. reads    C. is reading

(  )10.Wang Ding         many beautiful stamps.

A. have   B. is  C. has

(  )11.--How many Science         do you have in a week?

-- Two, I hope we have more.

A. subject   B. lesson  C. lessons

(  )12.There         some students in the playground.

A. are     B. is       C. be

(  )13.--What time is it?

-- It’s half past eleven. It’s time to         .

A. have supper  B. have breakfast   C. have lunch

(  )14.-- I like keeping goldfish. What’s your hobby?

-- I like          model planes.

A. make    B. making    C. makes

(  )15.--What’s the capital(首都)of the UK?

A. London    B. New York    C. Paris

(  )16.--When is the Teachers’ day in China?

-- It’s on         .

A. September 10    B. December 25    C. October 31

(  )17. How many triangles can you see in the picture?

A. 6     B. 7     C. 8


(  )18. 开学后,老师第一次见到同学们,会说:

A. What’s your name?   B. Welcome back to school, boys and girls.

C. Good bye boys and girls.

(  )19.当别人对你说“What day is it today?”,你可以说:

A. Today is Monday.   B. It’s my birthday.    C. It’s August 6.

(  )20.当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说:

A. It doesn’t matter.   B. I’m sorry, I’m late.   C. That’s all right.

(  )21.当别人对你说“Let’s go swimming!”,你不想去可以说:

A. Sorry, I can’t.   B.OK, let’s go.   C. That’s a good idea.

(  )22.当你打电话询问对方是不是Helen, 你可以说:

A. Are you Helen?   B. Is that Helen?  C. Is she Helen?

(  )23. 当你想问你的朋友会不会说汉语,你可以说:

A. What can you do?  B. Do you speak Chinese?   C. How do you do?

(  )24.当别人对你说“Your coat is very nice!”,你可以说:

A. Of course.    B. Not at all.      C. Thank you.

(  )25.当你的朋友说“I’ve got a bad cough.”,你可以说:

A. How are you?   B. I’m sorry to hear that.  C. How do you do?


(  )26.A: May I look at your e-mail?                    (A)

B: Yes, please email me. My e-mail

address is Jpg@163.com .

(  )27.A: Hi, Linda, can I use your ruler?                 (B)

B: Yes, here you are.

A: Thank you.


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