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九、 根据上下文提示,从方框内选词填空(共16个空;每空1分)


Nice  bedroom  new  dining room  garden  living room

We are going to move to a _______  apartment. There will be a ____for every kid .There will be a ____ room and a dining room. too.  There won’t be a _______,but there will be a ______ balcony.


snowy   windy     June    cool   will  cold  When’s   be

1. What’s the weather like in fall?

--- It’s __________ and __________.

2. ____________ Children’s Day?

---It’s on __________ 1st.

3. A: What _______the weather ______like in the evening?

B: It will be _____and _____.

十 、阅读短文,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”(共5小题;每小题1分)

My grandmother doesn’t live with us. She lives in Guangzhou. Grandma’s birthday is coming. She will be 80 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her home on the farm. I am sure grandma will be happy to see us. We are going to go there by us next Saturday. We will stay with her for two days and we will have a birthday party .The birthday party will be on Sunday. Then on Monday afternoon, We’ll come back.

(      ) 1.My grandmother lives with us.

(      ) 2. My grandmother will be 80 years old.

(      ) 3. WE are going to grandmother’s house by plane next Saturday.

(      ) 4. We will stay in grandmother’s house for two days.

(      ) 5. The birthday party will be on Saturday night..

十一 、书面表达,不少于5句(共5小题;每小题1分)

以 “Next Sunday”为题写一写下个周日你干了什么。

例如:I am going to listen to music at home.


威廉希尔app 提供的五年级英语下册期末模拟测试卷 ,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础!





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