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七、 单项选择(共8小题;每小题1分 )

(      ) 1. They________Shanghai>

A. is from      B. come from     C. comes from

(      ) 2. I want _______milk.

A. two bottle of      B. a cups of        C. two boxes of

(      ) 3. What happened_ ________ the old man?

A. for        B. to         C. with

(      ) 4.Who _______surf the net?

A. is going to     B. are going     C. will to

(      ) 5. He has _______ earache.

A. a     B. an       C. the t

(      ) 6.It will be ______ the day after tomorrow.

A. rain        B. rainy       C. snow

(      ) 7. Jenny saw a coat_______ the tree.

A.in   B.on      C. at

(      ) 8. She_______a letter to her friend last night..

A. writes        B. wrote      C. is writing

八、 在方框中找出相对应的句子,并将句子的编号写在横线上。(共6小题;每小题1分

1. What are they doing?

___________________________                    A. You should see the dentist.

2. I hurt my leg.

____________________________                   B. She is going to visit relatives.

3. What’s the matter?

____________________________                   C. She is a doctor.

4. What is your sister going to do?

____________________________                   D.Be careful next time.

5. I have a toothache.

_____________________________                    E. They are taking dome photos.

6.What does your mother do?

__________________________                     F. I have a sore throat.


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