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期中考试考查面涵盖很广,刚刚过去的半学期,同学们究竟学得怎么样?学习效果可以通过期中考试来检验。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了五年级英语期中考试卷,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。



1. What do you do _____the weekend?

a. on b. of c. in

2. Nina often ______with her mother .

a. go shopping b. goes shopping c. going shop

3. I have many ________of toys .

a. kind b. kinds c. a kind

4. They like ______and______.

a. sing , dance b. singing , dance c. singing , dancing

5. I’m good at ______baseball .

a. play b. playing c. to play

6. -______your brother ?

-They’re in the garden .

a. Where’s b . Where’re c. Who’re

7. What ______your sister do on Sundays ?

a. does b .is c. do

8. Let’s go ______a picnic .

a. of b. to c. for

9. I often play ______flute after school .

a. a b .the c. /

10. Do you like badminton?

a. playing b. play c. plays

11. I play sports ______the morning .

a. on b. in c. at

12.Kate usually_____her homework after dinner .

a. do b. does c. doing

13. His father and his mother are ______teachers .

a .all b. an English c. both

14.How do you ______to Beijing ?

a. going b. go c .goes

15.Kim ______to a special school .

a. go b. goes c. going

16.Here’s a cup of coffee ______you .

a. to b. give c. for

17.- ______do you have a PE class ?

-Three times a week .

a. How long b . How old c. How often

18. I’m doing a project ______students’usual activities .

a. on b . at c. for

19. Is your birthday ______April ?

a. in b. at c. on

20. There aren’t ______apples in the basket .

a. some b. any c. much


1. 吃晚餐__________________

2. 放学后__________________

3. 一周两次__________________

4. 拜访老师__________________

5. 擅长__________________

6. 遛狗_______________


8. 吹笛子__________________

9. 学习表演__________________

10. 来自__________________


12. 洗碗__________________

13. 去吃野餐__________________

14. 寻找__________________

15. 做运动__________________

16. go outside__________________

17. go to the piano lesson ________________

18.enjoy oneself__________________

19.talk on the phone __________________

20 feed the fish __________________

21. wait for the bus __________________

22. thank you for __________________

23. go roller-skating __________________

24. make a model plane _________________

25. play badminton__________________

26. go to the movies__________________

27.on Saturdays__________________

28. go to concert__________________

29. kick a shuttlecock__________________

30.stay at home__________________


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