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为了帮助同学们做好期中复习准备。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了五年级英语期中试卷,希望大家好好复习,争取在期中考试中取得好成绩。


1、听力部分(30 分)

A、 听录音,选出你所听到的选项,将序号写在括号内 (8分)

( )1A. listen B. lesson C. listens

( ) 2A. some B. sun C. same

( ) 3. A. here B. her C. hair

( ) 4. A.hand B. head C. have

( ) 5. A.write carefully B. sing beautifully C. sit quietly

( ) 6. A.play games B. play chess C. play cards

( ) 7. A. Helen likes playing the guitar.

B. Helen likes playing the violin.

C. Helen likes drawing pictures.

( ) 8. A. Dad usually goes home at 4:15.

B.Dad usually goes home at 4:50.

C. Dad usually goes home at 4:45.

B、听录音,选择答句 (6分)

1.( ) A. We have seven lessons every day.

B. We have three English lessons a week.

C. We have four lessons this morning.

2.( ) A. She likes going shopping.

B. They like playing the piano.

C. He likes surfing the Internet.

3.( ) A. She lives in London.

B. She usually goes to school by bike.

C. I live in Jiang Su.

C、根据录音内容选择合适的答案 (5分)

( )1. Q: What′s wrong with Nancy ?

A: She′s got a bad cold.

B: She′s got a bad cough.

C. She′s got a headache.

( )2. Q: Does WangBin run fast?

A: Yes,he does. B.No,he doesn′t.C.No,she doesn′t.

( )3. Q: What′s David′s hobby ?

A: He likes making model ships.

B: He likes making model planes.

C: He likes making clothes.

( )4.Q:How many lessons do they have on Wednesday?

A:Three B:Four C:Five

( )5.Q:What does Jim’s grandfather like?

A:He likes growing flowers.

B:He likes reading newspapers.

C:He likes reading magazines.

D、听录音,完成句子(听两遍) (6分)

1. Su Yang_______ ________English in the morning.

But Su Hai________.

2. What ______________do you have on_______________?

3. ________________are seven ___________in a___________.

4 How do you ________________now?

5 I′m ____________an ____________to my_______________.

E、听短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案(听三遍) (5分)

( ) 1. Is Andy an English girl?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Sorry, I don′t know.

( ) 2. How many lessons does Andy have every day?

A. She has four. B. She has three. C. She has seven.

( ) 3. Does Andy jump high?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, she can.

( )4.What subject does Su San like?

A. She likes PE.

B. She likes Art.

C. She likes Computer Studies and Art.

( )5. What’s Andy and Su San’s hobby?

A. They like jumping.

B. They like making model planes.

C. They like drawing pictures.

2、笔试部分 ( 70 分 )

A.语音。找出划线部分发音不同的单词 (5分)

( )1. A. clock B. hot C. mother

( ) 2. A. puppet B. music C. jump

( ) 3. A. doctor B. brother C. monkey

( ) 4. A. Sunday B. student C. bus

( ) 5. A. some B. love C. coffee

B.词汇 (15分)

A)写出下列词组 (5分)

1.每个星期三________ 2.收集花的邮票________

3.严重的咳嗽________ 4.和她打电话________

5.住在一个小镇上________ 6.in a small town ________

B)根据句子的意思选用所给单词填空 (10分)

1. I ________a letter to my English friend, Tom . (am writing, writing)

2. He likes running, he ________fast. ( run, runs)

3. SuHai doesn’t ________to school on Saturdays.(go, goes)

4. My aunt likes dancing. She dances________ (beautiful, beautifully)

5. We want ________ cards. (to play, play)

6. We are at ________ age.(same, the same)

7. My father can play basketball________. (good, well)

8. What ________do you have this term ? (lessons, subjects)

9. Do you have an Art lesson________ (on, in) Friday afternoon?

10. Mike doesn’t like PE. He cannot ________ (jump, jumps) high.


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