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期末考试是一种手段,检验知识、技能的掌握情况,也是对整个学期学习成果的一次检验。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了五年级英语期末考试卷,希望能够帮助大家更好的复习英语知识。



1. near 反义词__________ 2. old 反义词__________ 3. sit down 反义词__________ 4. that 复数___________ 5. fast 反义词________ 6. black 反义词__________ 7. this ( 复数 ) ________ 8. big ( 反义词) _______9. young (比较级) ________

10. too (同音词) _______ 11. I ( 宾格) ________


( ) 1. th__se A. o B. u C. i

( ) 2. ki__metres A. lo B. lu C. ln

( ) 3. Wed__sday A. ne B. ua C. an

( ) 4. sho__ing A. p B. pp C. pe

( ) 5. mo__ning A. e B. u C. r

( )6.ma___ A. y B. a C. u

( )7.gr_ _ t A.ee B. ea C.ae

( )8.w_ _ k A.oo B. or C.ol

( )9.c_me A.e B. u C.o

( )10.ar_ _ve A.ea B. oi C.ri


( ) 1. A.Monday B. l C. Friday

( ) 2. A. Canada B. China C. Chinese

( ) 3. A. sweater B. shirt C. clothes

( ) 4. A. these B. those C. this

( ) 5. A. nurse B. doctor C.cousin


( )1.Can you __a kite? A. to fly B. flying C. fly

( )2.I don’t like _____pants. A. this B. that C. those

( )3.How ____pairs of socks do you have? A. much B. / C. many

( )4.That’s my _____shirt. A. like B. favourite C.love

( )5.There ___no year of the cat..A.is B. are C. be

( )6. I love to go ___trips. A. on B. to C. with

( )7. Look__the map. A. up B. at C. right

( )8. ____ I go to Beijing? A. Can B. May C. Do

( )9. What do they speak ___ Australia?A. in B. at C. on

( )10.She ___to read books. A. likes B. liking C. like

( )11.I have two grandmothers and two _____.A.grandfathers B.grandfather C.father

( )12.We like ___fun together..A.to have B.have C.having


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