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期末考试是对于小学生来说是最大型的考试,家长、学校、老师和同学们都非常的重视。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了五年级英语上册期末考试卷人教版,希望能够帮助大家更好的复习英语知识。



一、 听音选单词。

1、( ) A. chick B. chess C. chess

2、( ) A. playground B. people C. pupil

3、( ) A. find B. firemen C. farm

4、( ) A. matter B. miss C. meet

5、( ) A. secret B. should C. shouldn’t

6、( ) A. hold B. hear C. hers

7、( ) A. bored B. badly C. bell

8、( ) A. mine B. miss C. them

9、( ) A. team B. tea C. show

10 ( ) A. farm B. food C. fantastic


1、( ) A、Where did you go? B、When did you go?

2、( ) A、She can’t catch the ball. B、She can control the ball.

3、( ) A、She gets up at seven o’clock. B、She gets up at ten o’clock.

4、( ) A、She fells sad. B、She fells surprise.

5、( ) A、This sweater is hers. B、This sweater is his.


1、( ) A、Yes, he can. B、No, she can.

2、( ) A、I like apples. B、half a kilo.

3、( ) A、No, I don’t. B、Yes, I should.

4、( ) A、At seven o’clock. B、I go to school by bus..

5、( ) A、It’s Sam . B、It’s mine.


A. find B. people C. hear D. help E. firemen

There is a fire. There are many _____ the house. The ______ can’t see the people, they can’t ____the people. The people are very dangerous. But they had a special dog, it can____ the people, It _____ the people, then whey were safe.


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