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( )1. A. Sunday B. some C. Science D. study

( )2. A. dad B. bed C. bag D. bad

( )3. A. fever B. five C. free D. feel

( )4. A. toothache B. headache C. backache D. earache

( )5. A. 123 B. 132 C. 321 D. 231

( )6. A. at nine B. at once C. at school D. an Art

( )7. A. at home B. after lunch C. after supper D. after school

( )8. A. I still feel ill. B. I feel ill. C. I am ill. D. I am still ill.

( )9. A. have got B. have get C. has got D. have get

( )10. A. Take some medicine and have a lot of rest.

B. Take some medicine and have lots of rest.

C. Take some medicine and have a lot of water.

D. Take some medicine and have some water.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A. I have three. B. There are three. C. We are three.

( )2. A. I am Mike. B. Sorry, wrong number. C. This is Mike speaking.

( )3. A. Monday. B. Sunday. C. Saturday.

( )4. A. I’ve got a new car. B. I feel thirsty. C. I’ve got a headache.

( )5. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they have.

( )6. A. I don’t like Art. B. I’d like Math lesson. C. English.



1. the first lesson _____________ __ 2. take some medicine ____

3. an interesting subject ____ ______________ 4. open your mouth _____ _____

5. have a lot of rest ________ ___ 6. 在星期四________ ____

7. 八门学科____ ________________ 8. 重感冒___ _________

9. 呆在床上______________ 10. 在两个星期里__ __________


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