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我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了五年级英语上学期第一单元试题,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!





( )1. A. shy B. why C. buy

( )2. A. whose B. who is C. who

( )3. A. class B. club C. clever

( )4. A. Miss B. Mrs C. Mr

( )5. A. fan B. funny C. fun

( )6. A. his B. he C. she

( )7. A. smart B. thin C. strict

( )8. A. active B. old C. very

( )9. A. science B. music C. sometimes

( )10. A. helpful B. young C. know



teacher thin short strong tall old young kind funny

Miss Ma

Miss Mao

Mr Zhang

Mr Song


A: Amy, do you have new teachers?

B: Yes, we have _________ new teachers.

A: Who _______ they?

B: A ___________ teacher,an ________ teacher, and a ____________ teacher.

A: __________ your Chinese teacher?

B: Mr Hu.

A: __________ he __________?

B: He is __________ and __________. He is very funny.



( )1.A.math B.china C.Chinese

( ) 2.A.TV B. PE C.art

( ) 3.A.orange B.red C.banana

( ) 4.A.have B.am C.is

( )5. A.tall B.short C.shirt

( ) 6. A.watch B.read C.robot

( ) 7.A.young B.old C.speak

( ) 8.A.funny B.fun C.strong

( )9.A.what B.who C.water

( )10.A.will B.Chinese C.English


( ) 1.________ your English teacher like?

A. Who’s B.What’s C.Whose

( ) 2.Who’s your English teacher?_------_______

A. She’s tall and strong. B. She’s smart. C. She’s Miss Sun.

( ) 3._________ you have new teachers?

A. Is B. Do C. Are

( ) 4.---Is Mr Black strict? ----- _____

A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isn’t. C. No, he is.

( ) 5.He is short______strong.

A. and B. or C. is

( ) 6. That is _____ new science teacher.

A. we B. you C. our

( ) 7.---_____ is your art teacher?

---Mr. Cater.

A. Who B. What C. How

( ) 8. He can _____ English.

A. speak B. say C. talk

( ) 9.______ name is Li Dongliang.

A. He B. Him C. His

( ) 10.My new teacher _______ come tomorrow.

A.is B. will C. does


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