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如何激发英语学习的兴趣、如何提高英语考试的成绩呢?威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了五年级英语上册第二单元试题,希望大家在学习的过程体会到英语带给自己的快乐!




( )1.A.computer B. art C.music

( )2.A.third B.second C.first

( )3.A.classroom B.bedroom C.bathroom

( )4.A.high B.heavy C..have

( )5.A.swing B.come C.computer

( )6.A.first B.second C.third

( )7.A.classroom B. class C.computer

( )8.A.heavy B.high C.great

( )9.A.sing B.swing C.stop

( )10.floor B.four C.flower


( )1.A.Yes,there is. B.No,it isn’t. C.five students

( )2.A.No,it isn’t. B.No,there isn’t. C. Yes,there are.

( )3.A.It’s twenty. B.They’re twenty. C. I can see twenty.

( )4.A.Yes,there are . B. No,there isn’t. C.Yes,they are.

( )5.A.It’s on the first floor. B.There are six rooms C.Yes ,Miss Li


1.A:Are there any in the .

B: No,there .

2.A. Is there a on the floor?

B.Yes, there .

3.A:Where’s room

B:It’s on the floor.

4.There are not any in my school?


一、 英汉互译。(8分)

1.一位新学生 ____________ 2.show her around___________

3. 在二楼 _ ____________ 4. an art room ______________

5. 两间电脑室 ____________ 6. the third day ___________

7. push me ____________ 8. on the swing_____________


( )1. There ________ two computer rooms and a library on the first floor.

A. are B. is C. am

( ) 2. There ________ any orange juice in the fridge.

A. are B. aren’t C.isn’t

( ) 3. How many _______ are there in your school?

A.classroom B.a classroom C.isn’t

( )4. -Where ________ my gloves?

-They are on the chair.

A. are B. is C. be

( )5. The table tennis room is ________ the first floor.

A. in B. on C. under

( )6.- How many oranges are there in your bag?

- ___________ 24.

A. They are B. They’re C. There are

( )7. –Are there any music rooms on the second floor?

- No, _________ .

A. there are B. there aren’t C. they are

( )8. There ________ a library in my school.

A. isn’t B. have C. aren’t

( ) 9.- Are there any table tennis rooms?

- Yes._________ are on the second floor.

A. There B. They C. They’re

( )10. _________ books are there on the desk?

A. What B. How much C. How many


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