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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了小学2014年五年级下册英语期末考试卷,希望对大家有所帮助,谢谢。

一、 听力部分(30分)听句子三次,选出句子含有的信息。(8分)

(      ) 13. A. has a toothache     B. has a headache     C. has a stomachache

(      ) 14. A. English           B. Chinese           C. Maths

(      ) 15. A. 95 metres         B. 95 kilometres       C. 95 kilos

(      ) 16. A. at 7.45           B. at 8.00             C. at 8.15

(      ) 17. A. playing tennis      B. playing badminton   C. playing basketball

(      ) 18. A. rainy and windy    B. cold and sunny      C. rainy and wet

(      ) 19. A. shark             B. leopard            C. crocodile

(      ) 20. A. go sightseeing      B. go boating         C. go swimming

二、 听每组的三个句子三次,将句子的大写字母编号写在相应图下的编号。(12分)





1. What’s the ______________ like will be ______________ ?

2.  How many __________  of vegetables are there in your kitchen.

3.  ______________ you like to go to the Guangzhou Restaurant again?

4.  Miss Smith is ____________ about her penfriend.

5.  ________ the medicine three times a day. And you’d __________ have a good rest.

6.  Kangaroo can jump much ______________ than the rabbit.

7.  Our teachers work ______________ than ______________ .


(    )1.A. Because she can eat ice cream.

B. Because she can wear her beautiful clothes.

C. Because she can go swimming with her friends.

(    )2. A. It lasts for 4 months.   B. It lasts for about 3months.

C. It lasts for over 4 months.

(    )3. A. Watching TV.      B. Going outside.     C. Doing her homework.

(    )4. A. Maths.       B. Chinese.     C. English.

(    )5. A. Always.      B. Sometimes.       C. Never.


(    )1. There aren’t four seasons here.

(    )2. I love spring because I can plant flowers.

(    )3. In summer, I go swimming every day.

(    )4. I like taking photos in winter.

(    )5. It’s not cold here.


六、 仿照例子把代表单词的字母按类别写在答题卡相应的表格里。(8分)

A. stomachache   B. crocodile   C. cloudy    D. sandwich    E. leopard


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