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这篇,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的外研版2014五年级英语期末测试卷,希望对大家有所帮助!



(   )1 A、spring  B、summer  C、fall

(   )2 A、March   B、May    C、April

(   )3 A、eat breakfast  B、eat lunch  C、eat dinner

(   )4 A、7:30  B、8:30   C、9:30

(   )5 A、drinking    B、eating   C、having

(   )6 A、fly kites    B、plant trees  C、make a snowman

(   )7A、nice        B、sweet      C、good

(   )8 A、go hiking  B、go shopping   C、go fishing

(   )9 A、go to bed  B、go to school  C、go to work

(   )10A、first      B、second      C、third


(   )Sarah’s grandpa is reading a book.

(   )Chen Jie and Amy are playing chess.

(   )My birthday is on October 20th

(   )John is making a call to Chen Jie.

(   )My mother is washing the clothes.


(    )1. A. There are four seasons in a year.  B. Spring is my favourite season.

(    )2.A.It's June 21st.                 B. It's Thursday.

(    )3. A. No. He's playing football.    B. Yes. He's very tall.

(    )4. A. My mom is a doctor.        B. Sure. Hold on, please.

(   )5. A. They are cooking dinner.      B. She is answering the phone.


四、按要求写单词  (每小题1分,共10分)

1. September(缩写式)___  2. butterfly(复数)___   3. it(复数)___

4. swim(现在分词)___  5. wear(同音词)___    6. come(反义词)__

7. policeman(复数)____    8. let’s (完全形式)___  9. day(复数)___

10. third(缩写式)____


(    ) 1. I play _____ piano every day.

A. a    B. the    C. an

(    ) 2. I play football _____ the weekend.

A. in     B. at       C. on

(    ) 3. I can play _____ snow in winter.

A. with      B. the     C. in

(    ) 4. Wu Yifan is collecting ______.

A. leaf    B. leaves      C. leafs

(    ) 5. I ______ books at nine every evening.


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