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有的同学一提到考试就头疼,脑大,其实大家不用害怕,只要大家用心,多做题,就一定会有好的成绩。我们一起来做一下这篇(北师大版)5年级英语上册期中试卷答案吧!一 、听句子,从四个选项中选出所包含的信息,将字母标号填在题前括号内.

1A go hikingB go to schoolC get upD play sport

2A fallB ballC smallD spring

3A make snowman B swimC go hikingD skate

4A Oct.B JuneC JulyD May

5A Women’s DayB National Day C Army DayD teachers’ Day


()1 When is your birthday?A Winter

()2 Which season do you like best?B Because I can swim.

()3 When do you get up?C It’s October the first.

()4 Why do you like summer?D I often go shopping

()5 What do you do on the weekend?E At 6:00.


()A do morning exercises B do home work

()A WinterB Summer

()A JuneB July

()A XinjiangB Beijing

()A June the ninthB July the ninth


1、Zip likes winter best.()

2、Zoom’s birthday is in September.()

3、They can skate in winter.()

4、Zip’s birthday is September the eleventh.()

5、Zip and Zoom are good friends.()


一、 词汇

1、 判断下列句子中划线部分单词属于哪一类,将字母标号填入题前括号内.

A 季节 B动作 C情感 D衣服 E 时间 F实物

() 1 I usually play spurts at 3:30.

() 2 Thank you for telling me about your day.

() 3 I like winter best.

() 4 We can make a snowman.

() 5 Everyone likes to get birthday cards.


1 Isbirthday in June?()

A sheB heC meD her

2your Grandma have a computer?()

A Is B Does C Do D Are

3 I canin spring.()

A make snowman B swim C skate D plant trees

4  When it’s winter in Beijing, it’sin Sydney.()

A winter B summer C spring D fall

5  Teachers’ Day is.()

A Sept. 10 B Jan. 1 C Mar. 8 D May 1

6 What do you dothe weekend?()

A on B a tC in D and

7 In winter, I can playsnow.()

A  in B with C / D and

8 Winter is beautiful, but it’s toofor me.()

A warm B hot C cold D cool

9 I amGrandpa an e-card.()

A send B sending C make D making

10 It’s so nice to watch the flowers.()

A grow B grows C growing D grew

三 下面你能看到7组分别被打乱顺序的问句和答句,请你重新搭配一下,把正确答案的字母标号填入题前括号内.

1 What’s the date?              A No, my birthday is in Dec.

2 When is your mother’s birthday?       B Spring.

3、Why do you like spring?            C I often play the piano.

4、Is your birthday in Feb. too?          D It’s June 17.

5、What do you do on the weekend?        E I can fly kites.

6、When do you play sports?           F Her birthday is in Apr.

7、What’s your favourite season?        G At 3:30.

()1.What’your favourite season?        A.Feb.24th.

()2.When is your grandpa’s birthday?      B.I am sending grandma an e-card.

()3. Why do you like summer ?         C.Beacause I can swim.

()4. Which season is it ?            D.Fall.

()5. what are you doing?            E.Spring is my favourite season.

()6. What day is it today?            F.It’s T nuesday.

()7. Is her birthday in June?          G. Yes, It is.

() 8.what is the weather like in fall in biejing?    H.I’m very well

() 9.what about you ,ZhangPeng?         I.Cool and windy

()10.whose birthday is in June.         J.Zhang Peng.


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