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Module 1

1. Don‘t touch the machines! 别碰机器!

2. Wear these glasses, please! 请带上眼镜!

3. You can all have a bag of crisps. 你们每个人都能吃一包薯片。

4. Don’t feed the ducks. 别喂鸭子。

5. Don‘t write in the books. 别在书上写字。

Module 2

1. This computer is beautiful. 这台电脑很漂亮。.

2. It’s got a big screen. 它有一个大屏幕。

3. This one is perfect. 这一个很完美。

4. It‘s small and powerful. 它又小又功能强大。

5. It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan. 它价值一千八百元。

M odule 3

1. Once upon a time, there was a boy. He looked after sheep.


2. The boy ran to the village. 男孩跑到村子。

3. They said,“Don’t tell lies! “ 他们说道: “别撒谎!”

4. She went into a shop. 她走进一家商店。

5. Tilly broke the door and ran away. 泰利破门逃跑了。

Module 4

1. What did they play? Dad played the erhu. And Mum played the pipa.


2. It‘s a Chinese instrument. 它是个中国乐器。

3. It looks like a violin. 它看起来象小提琴。

4. Do you want to listen to Chinese music? Yes, please.


5. I was very nervous before the concert. 音乐会之前我很紧张。

Module 5

1. What are you doing? 你在做什么?

2. We’re having a party. 我们在举行晚会。

3. What‘s happening now? 现在发生什么事了?

4. Sam is playing the drums. 萨姆在敲鼓。

5. He’s writing a message for his mother. 他正在给他妈妈写个口信。


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