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Unit7 At a snack bar


1.  a pie (pies)(馅饼)               2. a hamburger (hamburgers)(汉堡包)

3. a sweet (sweets)(糖果)            4. a biscuit (biscuits)(饼干)

5. noodles(面条)                   6. a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力)

7. a cup of tea(一杯茶)              8. a cup of coffee(一杯咖啡)

9. a glass of juice(一杯果汁)         10. a carton of milk(一盒牛奶)

11. a snack bar(快餐部)   12. a basketball(篮球)     13. move(移动)

14. dear(亲爱的)        15. then(那么)           16. an ice-cream(冰淇淋)

17. a cake(蛋糕)        18. water(水)            19. hungry(饿的)

19. thirsty(渴的)        20. how much(多少(钱)) 21. see the doctor(看医生)

22. What would you like?(你要什么?)   23. How about you?(你怎么样?)

24. Something to drink?(要喝些什么吗?) 25. Anything else?(还要别的东西吗?)


1. What would you like?(你要什么?)

I'd like… /A/Some…, please.(我想要… /请来一个/一些…)

2. How much is it?(它多少钱?)It's…yuan. /…yuan, please.((它)…元。)

How much are they?它们多少钱? They're…yuan. /…yuan, please.((它们)…元。)

Unit8 Open Day


1. a chair(椅子)          2. a blackboard(黑板)     3. a picture(图画)

4. a computer(计算机)    5. a bookcase(书橱)       6. a music room(音乐室)

7. an office(办公室)      8. a playground(操场)     9. our(我们的)

10. classroom(教室)      11. open day(接待日)     12. bright(明亮的)

13. TV(电视)           14. sometimes(有时)      15. watch(观看)

16. piano(钢琴)         17. near(靠近)           18. window(窗户)

19. songbook(歌本)     20. lots of = a lot of(许多的) 21. T-shirt(T恤衫)

22. smart(好看的)       23. map(地图)            24. them(他/她/它们)

25. China(中国)        26. box(盒子)            27. table(桌子)

28. read(读)            28. I've got = I have got(我有)


there's = there is


What's on/in/near the…?(…上面/里面/旁边有什么?)

There's a … on/in/near the …(有一个…在…上面/里面/旁边。)

There are some … on/in/near the …(有一些…在…上面/里面/旁边。)


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