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1. What's your job?(你的职业是什么?) I'm a…(我是一位…)

What's his job?(他的职业是什么?) He's a…(他是一位…)

What's her job?(她的职业是什么?) She's a…(她是一位…)

2. What are their jobs?(他/她们的职业是什么?) They're…(他/她们是…)

3. Are they…?(他/她们是…吗?)      Yes, they are.(是,他/她们是的。)

No, they aren't. They're…(不,他/她们不是的。他/她们是…)

4. How old are you?(你几岁了?) I'm…(我…)

How old is he?(他几岁了?) He's…(他…)

How old is she?(她几岁了?) She's…(她…)

5. What's your/his/her name?(你/他/她叫什么名字?)

I'm/He's/She's ××.(我/他/她是××。)

Unit4 Buying fruit


1. an apple (apples)(苹果)             2. an orange (oranges)(桔子)

3. a banana (bananas)(香蕉)           4. a peach (peaches)(桃子)

5. a grape (grapes)(葡萄)              6. a pineapple (pineapples)(菠萝)

7. a watermelon (watermelons)(西瓜)    8. a pear (pears)(梨子)

9. buy(买)       10. some(一些)     11. fruit(水果)      12. kilo(公斤)

13. or(或者)     14. yuan(元)        15.great(好极了)

二、缩写词        I'd = I would


1. What are these?(这些是什么?) They're…(它们是…)

What are those?(那些是什么?) They're…(它们是…)

2. I'd like some…, please.(我想要一些…)How many kilos?(多少公斤?)

…kilo(s), please.(请来…公斤。)      Here are you.(给你。)

4B Unit6 Let's go by taxi


1. a station(车站)       2. a supermarket(超级市场)  3. a library(图书馆)

4. a theatre(剧场)       5. a hospital(医院)         6. an airport(机场)

7. by train(乘火车)      8. by plane(乘飞机)        9. by minibus(乘中客车)

10. on foot(步行)       11. by taxi(乘公共汽车)     12. how(怎么)

13. there(在那里)       14. for(往;向)            15. free(空闲的)

16. park(公园)         17. play(玩;参加)         18. football(足球)

19. ball(球)            20. Good idea.(好主意。)


1. Let's go to the…(让我们一起去…)

Good.(好的。)/Great.(太棒了。)How do we go there?(我们怎么去那里啊?)

Shall we go to (the) …(地点)by …(交通工具)?

OK/All right.(好的)

2. Is this …(交通工具)for …(地点)?(这辆…是去…的吗?)

Yes, it is.(是,它是的。)/No, it isn't.(不,它不是的。)


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