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2014年四年级英语知识点最新由威廉希尔app 为您提供,供您参考。


1. a student(学生) 2. a teacher(教师) 3. a doctor(医生)    4. a nurse(护士)

5. a boy(男孩)     6. a girl(女孩)     7. a man(男人)     8. a woman(女人)

9. new(新的)    10. our(我们的)    11. school(学生)    12. welcome(欢迎)

13. tree(树)       14. climb(攀登)    15. again(再;又)   16. sir(先生)

17. right(正确的)  18. come down(下来)  19. excuse me(对不起,打扰一下)


1. who's = who is     2. you're = you are    3. he's = he is         4. she's = she is

5. I'm = I am        6. don't = do not


1. Who's that boy/…?(那个男孩/…是谁?)

He's/She's ××. (他/她是××。)He's/She's a…(他/她是一位…)

2. Are you a student/…?(你是一位学生/…吗?)

Yes, I am.(是,我是的。)    No, I'm not. I'm a…(不,我不是的。我是一位…)

3. Welcome to our school.(欢迎到我们学校来。) Thank you.(谢谢。)

Unit2 At a party


1. grandfather(祖父;外祖父)         2. grandmother(祖母;外祖母)

3. father(父亲)    4. mother(母亲)  5. brother(兄;弟)    6. sister(姐;妹)

7. hair(头发)      8. a head(头)    9. a nose(鼻子)     10. a mouth(嘴;口)

11. an eye(眼睛) 12. an ear(耳朵)  13. white(白色的)    14. a friend(朋友)

15. a skirt(短裙)  16. a party(宴会)  17. with(有)        18. which(哪一个)

19. big(大的)     20. small(小的)  21. long(长的)       22. short(短的)

23. we(我们)    24. hurry(赶快)  25. wrong(错误的)  26. be late for(…迟到)


1. we're = we are    2. isn't = is not      3. it's = it is          4. let's = let us

5. where's = where is


1. Who's the man/… with …?(那个…(身体部位)的…(男人/…)是谁?)

He's/She's ××/my…(他/她是××/我的…)

2. Is that man/… your father/…? (那个男人/…是你爸爸/…吗?)

Which one?(哪一个?)

The one in the …(那个穿着…的。

Yes, he/she is.(是,他/她是的。)/No, he/she isn't.(不,他/她不是的。)

Unit3 What's your job?


1. a policeman (policemen)(警察)      2. a policewoman (policewomen)(女警察)

3. a waiter (waiters)(男服务员)         4. a waitress (waitresses)(女服务员)

5. a driver (drivers)(司机)             6. a worker (workers)(工人)

7. a cook (cooks)(厨师)               8. a farmer (farmers)(农民)

9. job(职业)     10. name(名字)   11. their(他(她/它)们的) 12. today(今天)

13. old(老的)     14. about(大约)   15. want(想要)        16. cold(冷的)

17. how old(几岁)       18. how many(多少)      19. look at(看)


1. aren't = are not          2. what's = what is          3. they're = they are


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