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如何激发英语学习的兴趣、如何提高英语考试的成绩呢?威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了小学英语四年级下册课后作业题,希望大家在学习的过程体会到英语带给自己的快乐!



1.A.shortB.fatC.skirt  2.A.catB.hotC.dog  3.A.socksB.shoesC.four  4.A.longB.twentyC.four  5.A.how muchB.how oldC.how many


1.This boy is Tom.________a good boy.

A. He

B. She

C. He’s

D. She‘s  2._______ _______ free now? Yes,she is.

A. Are you

B. Is he

C. Is she  3.--________ .--It’s a pear.

A.Who is this?

B.Whose pear is this

C. What‘s this?

D. What are these?  4._______boys and girls in your class?

A. How much

B. How many

C. How old  5.Jack is ________ student. He’s _________ English boy.

A. an, an

B. a, a

C. a, an  6._______we go to the theatre by plane?

A. What

B. How

C. Shall  7.______shirt is that? It‘s my sister’s.

A. What

B. Who

C. Whose  8.Is the train ________ Beijng?

A. to

B. in

C. for  9._______her mother‘s name ? Wang Tao.

A. Who’s

B. What‘s

C. What  10.______a new teacher? Yes,I am.

A. Are your

B. Are you

C. Is he  


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