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由威廉希尔app 为您提供的四年级英语下册暑假假期作业,大家一定要在平时的练习中不断练习,希望给您带来帮助!

一、仿照例子, 按类别把下列单词的字母编号写在相应的表格内

A. doctor   B. egg   C. sweater   D. maths   E. Chinese  F. dress  G. bread  H. farmer   I. cake   J. worker    K. milk     L. skirt   M. music   N. postman   O. shorts  P. art

Food (食物):

Jobs  (职业):

Clothes (衣物):

Subjects (科目):


( )1. Do you often play football ______ your father?     Yes, I do.

A. to     B. and    C. with

(  ) 2. We usually play cards _______Sunday.

A. on     B.in      C.at

(  ) 3. _____________ do you usually get up?    At six fifty.

A. What time    B. What day    C.What colour

(  ) 4. Whose trousers are they?   They’re _________.

A. Yongxian.    B.black       C. Yongxian’s

(  ) 5. It’s time ______ lunch.

A. to      B.for     C.at

(  ) 6. It’s time ______ go to bed.

A. to      B.for     C.at

(  ) 7. What’s the man’s _______?    David.

A. job     B. name   C. do

(  ) 8. What’s the lady’s _______?   She’s a teacher.

A. job     B. name   C. do


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