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放暑假了,同学们应该怎样度过这个暑假呢?小学阶段是我们一 生中学习的“黄金时期” 。暑假这一个月的时间的同学们尤其重要。下文为大家准备了小学四年级英语第二册暑假作业卷



1、(  ) A. potatoes    B .photos     C. tomatoes

2、(  )A. costs         B. choose     C. Chinese

3、(  )A. of           B.  from     C. for

4、(  )A. clapping     B. clapped     C. clap

5、(  )A. What       B. Where      C. When


1、Don’t touch the ____________,please!

2、This pen __________nineteen yuan.

3、One day,the boy_______   _______sheep.

4、I was __________before the concert.

5、What’s _____________now? Tom is singing.


(   )1、A. Sam will cut the paper.

B. I’ll cut the paper.

(   )2、A. They’re having a party.

B. We are having a party.

(   )3、A. That’s a great idea.

B. I don’t know.

(   )4、A. Sorry, sir.

B. Thank you.

(   )5、A. I’m thirteen.

B. It costs 100  yuan.


(   )1、When did you play in a concert?

A. Yesterday     B. Last year

(   )2、What did you play?

A. I played the violin.   B. I played the piano.

(   )3、Were you nervous before the concert?

A. Yes,I was very nervous.   B. Yes,you were.

(   )4、What did people do at the end?

A. Everyone clapped at the end.   B. We are all clapping.

(   )5、I was very_______.

A. proud    B. bored

笔试部分 ( 60分)

一、 根据语境请用 “—”划出括号内正确的单词。(5分)

1.  People in China speak( English / Chinese ).

2.  At the end everyone clapped . I was very( proud / bored ).

3.  It’s five ( thousand / thousands ) .

4.  Tom will ( write / writing ) the reports.

5.  This dress is ( big / small ). I’m tall and fat. I can’t wear it.


1.  Don’t feed the ___________(鸭子)_.

2.  It washes the  __________ (土豆).

3.  Let’s             (见面) at the school gate.

4.  It’s              (困难) to choose !

5.  This computer is ____________(完美的).

6.  Don’t walk on the ____________ (草地).

7.  ______________ (从前)there was a boy .

8.  Today is __________ (母亲节) .

9.  At the end everyone ___________(鼓掌).

10.  A:_________(什么时候)do you get up in the morning?    B: At 6:30.


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