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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了牛津版小学英语四年级暑假作业练习,希望对大家有所帮助,谢谢。


(  )1.Look at these gloves. They’re pretty.

(  )2.This is our music room.

(  )3.It’s time for lunch.

(  )4.I like the white sweater with the black skirt.

(  )5.It’s windy today.


(   )1、  A、  library    B、 playground       C、 computer

(   )2、  A、 lunch       B、 English class   C、 music class

(   )3、   A、teacher’s office     B、 hen       C、 horse

(   )4、  A、 breakfast      B、warm         C、 dinner

(   )5、  A、 coat      B、 cheap           C、 skirt


A.hot   B.pants   C.sheep   D.playground   E.art room   F.cloudy   G.tomato   H.horse   I.jacket   J.library   K.cow   L.computer room   M.snowy   N.green beans   O.carrot   P.shirt  Q.hen   R.rainy   S.socks   T.potato

1.天气形容词(            )   2.蔬菜(              )

3.地点(          )  4.动物(          )  5.服装(          )


(  )1、询问别人今天六户天气怎么样,你应该说:__

A. What’s the weather like in Liuhu?

B. Where’s the library?

C.Is it rainy in Liuhu?

(  )2、欢迎别人来到学校参观时,你需要说:_____

A.This way,please.  B. Welcome to our school. C.Here you are.

(  )3、向妈妈询问自己是否出外玩耍时,你要说:_____

A . Mum,can I try them on?  B. Mum,can I have some soup?

C. Mum,can I go outside?

(  )4、当你在电话里介绍自己时,你应该说:________

A.Hello. This is Mark.  B. Hello. I am Mark.  C. Hello. He is Mark.

(   )5、当你想知道现在几点时,你应该说:____

A. What colour is it?       B. What time is it?

C. Where’s the teachers’ office?


(   ) 1. --- Where is the art room?  --- It's on the _____ floor.

A. second            B. two            C. 2

(   ) 2. --- Is this the library?   --- ___________.

A. No, it is.     B. Yes, it is.      C. Yes, it isn't.

(   ) 3. It's time _____get up.

A. for            B. to            C. in

(   ) 4. --- What colour is it?  --- _________.

A. It's white.       B. Yes.     C. They're small.

(   ) 5. --- Whose T-shirt is this?    --- _________.

A. It's a sweater.   B. It's a jacket.   C. It's my T-shirt.


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