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四年级英语最新版暑假作业来袭,威廉希尔app 为您带来,希望帮到您。

一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词 ( 7% )

(    )1. A. matter        B. mother         C. monkey

(    )2. A. thirty         B. thirsty          C. thirteen

(    )3. A. rubber        B. rabbit          C. ruler

(    )4. A. cold          B. coat            C. copy

(    )5. A. looks         B. books          C. box

(    )6 A. 5:15        B. 5:50          C. 5:05

(    )7. A. white         B. write           C. bright

二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子 ( 5% )

(    ) 1.A. I’m ten.          B. I’m tired.         C. I’m tall.

(    ) 2.A. Here’s a cake for you.  B. Here’s a card for you.  C. Here’s a coat for you.

(    ) 3.A. What’s the matter?     B. What’s the time?     C. What’s your mother?

(    )4.A. Look at my shoes.     B. Look at my shorts.    C. Look at my sweater.

(    )5.A. It’s time to go to bed.   B. It’s time to go to school.  C. It’s time to go home.


(   )            (   )                (   )                 (   )

(   )              (   )                  (   )                (   )


(    ) 1. A. Su Yang’s.        B. My father’s.       C. Su Yang’s father’s.

(    )2. A. Twenty-two.      B. Two twenty.       C. Two.

(    )3. A. At six.           B. At six fifteen.      C. At six fifty.

(    )4. A. He’s sleepy.     B. He’s ill.          C. He’s thirsty.

(    )5. A. It’s Nancy’s.     B. It’s Helen’s.       C. It’s Yang Ling’s

四、听录音,完成对话,每空一词 ( 5% )

1. A: What’s that in __________? B: It’s a __________.

2. A: It’s time __________ go __________ __________ cinema. B: OK. Let’s go.

3. A: __________ __________ are they? B: They’re  __________ father’s.

4. A: Where’s __________ mother? B: __________ in the kitchen.



is not(缩略形式)________             can(否定形式)_________

open(反义词)__________        she(物主代词)__________

my sisters(所有格)__________   hat(近义词) __________

there(反义词)__________       I(复数)_________

B(同音词)__________           eat(对应词)__________


在8:05                            在那边

在他的5张课桌上                   生词

回家(来)                        两杯水

拼拼图                               In which bag?

Don’t worry.                           the new panda’s name

七、选择填空。( 15% )

(    )1. _____ storybook is for you .

A. Here’s          B. this           C. That

(    )2. Happy _____ Day!

A. teacher          B. Teacher’s      C. Teachers’

(    )3. _____ don’t you go to bed now?

A. Why          B. What           C. Where

(    )4. ----Shall we do the puzzle now? ----_____

A. OK.            B. You’re right.     C. See you.

(    ) 5.----The jeans are too short.----Try this _____ on.

A. one           B. pair          C. a

(    ) 6. You look _____. Have some cakes, please.

A. thirsty            B. hungry         C. sleepy

(    ) 7. ----_____ is her dress. ----It’s in the bedroom.

A. Whose          B. Where          C. What

(    ) 8.---- What’s _____ now?  ----It’s four  thirty.

A. time         B. the time        C. time is it

(    ) 9. ----My jeans _____ too short. ----Don’t worry. Here _____ a new pair.

A. is   are        B. are   is       C. are   are


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