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听力部分 (40 %)

I: Listen and choose . 听音选图。5%

II: Listen and choose.. 听音,选择,并将序号写在前面括号里。8%

(  ) 1、A.do morning exercises   B.eat breakfast       C.eat dinner

(  ) 2、A.visit grandparents    B.play the piano     C.play football

(  ) 3、A.climb mountains     B.paly sports        C.go fishing

(  ) 4、A.have English class   B.go shopping       C.go hiking

(  ) 5、A.usually           B.sometimes        C.often

(  ) 6、A.have a picnic      B.have English class  C.clean the room

(  ) 7、A.answer the phone  B.count insets      C.catch butterflies

(  ) 8、A.Feb.            B.September        C.birthday

III. Listen and choose. 听问题,选择相对应的答句。10%

(  )1、A.Yes, I do.                 B.I see some elephants.

(  )2、A.They are taking pictures.     B.We are taking pictures.

(  )3、A.It is jumping.             B.He is jumping.

(  )4、A.She is reading a book.       B.He is watching TV.

(  )5、A.I often eat breakfast at 6:30.   B.I usually go hiking.

(  )6、A.Summer.                  B.Spring.

(  )7、A.I’m fine, thank you.         B.Yes.

(  )8、A.It’s August 1st.             B.It’s October 1st.

(  )9、A.No, she isn’t.              B.Yes, he is.

(  )10、A.I look at the tiger.          B.I see two tigers.

IV.Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出发音不同的单词。5%

(1)fall  tall  floor             (2)plant  plane  plate

(3)winter  water  win         (4)when  which  what

(5)kite  skate  fly

V. Listen and Trck or Cross. 听录音,判断下列句子对(√)错(×)。12%

(  ) 1、My birthday is in December.

(  ) 2、My favourite season is summer.

(  ) 3、I can make a snowman in winter.

(  ) 4、I usually play sports in the afternoon.

(  ) 5、She sometimes visits her grandparents on the weekend.

(  ) 6、There are 5 birthdays in April.


I: Let’s find out. 找出不同类的单词。10%

(  )1、A.play sports B.play football C.play basktball  D.play baseball


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