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威廉希尔app 小学频道小编为各位小朋友们搜集整理了“2013小学四年级下册英语改变句型暑假作业”,在漫长的暑假里,小朋友们也不能光顾着玩耍噢,来把这套习题做一做吧!

改变句型 Unit1-2

1._____________________I have two terms in a year.

2.________________________I am a pupil of Grade Four.

3._______________________Yes, it is.

4.________________________Davy is the last one.

5.______________________That blue one is mine.

6._________________________It is July 6th.

7_________________________ August is between July and September.

8____________________________It’s December.

9______________________ September, October and November .

10___________________ Mary does.

11 2000 is a leap year.(一般疑问句)_________________________________

12 Everything is white in winter._(what)__________________________

13 It’s Wednesday today.(what)_____________________________________

14 He has got three toy today.__________________________________

15 Have you got a calendar or not?(回答问题)___________________________________

16There is a computer in my study.________________________________

17There’re some pictures on the wall._______________________________

18The beautiful garden is near the building.____________________________

19Miss Green is my English teacher.________________________________

20Hong Wei is from Japan. Hong Wei__ ____ Japan.

21 Please clean the classroom.(否定句)____________________________

22 How big the building is !____ ____ ____ building!

23There are four seasons in a year.______________________________

24Christmas is my favourite festival._____________________________

25We often go to the beach at the weekend.__________________________________

26It’s March 3rd.___________________________

27She goes to school at 6:30 every day. (否定句)_________________________________-

28I go to the park every weekend. (一般疑问句)_____________________________

29I have some drinks in the fridge. (否定句)_______________________________

30There are some toy cars on the desk.________________________________

31Are there any knives in th

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