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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学英语四年级上册期中考试卷,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


Class Name No. Mark

Part I Listening Practice :40%

一、 按听到的顺序给单词编号:10%

1. read red write white

2. ear eye head hair

3. afraid thirsty huangry angry

4. cook teacher doctor waiter

5. dive sing jump swim

二、 选出听到的单词与句子:8%

( ) 1. A. book B.lock C. cook

( ) 2. A. brother B. sister C. friend

( ) 3. A. engire B. ambulance C. fireman

( ) 4. A. her B. his C. he

( ) 5. A. The dog is angry. B. The dog is huangry.

( ) 6. A. How are you ? B. How old are you?

( ) 7. A. This is my friend. B. This is my mother.

( ) 8. A. What are you ? B. Who are you?

三、 听录音编号:10%

( ) He is ten years old.

( ) He is thin and tall.

( ) His eyes are big and black.

( ) He has a big mouth.

( ) His ears are small.

四、 听录音,填入所缺单词:7%

1. is friend. Name is Peter.

2. This is my brother. He can but he can‘t .

3. Kitty is . She is . She cats.

五、 听录音,判断对话,用“T 或F “表示:5%

( ) 1. John and Ben are my new classmates.

( ) 2. John is tall and Ann is short.

( ) 3. Ann can swim draw, sing and cook.[

( ) 4. John can’t draw.

( ) 5. Ben likes his new classmates.

Part II Reading Practice:60%

一、 圈出不同类词:5%

1. I you he her

2. happy huangry hand thirsty

3. his head hand hair

4. read run write red

5. am is are has


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