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( )5、当你问别人多大岁数时,应该说:

A、What are you? B、How old are you? C、How are you?

( )6、当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:

A、I can show you. B、I can see you. C、I can work.

( )7、当你问某个东西是什么时,用英语说:

A、 Where is it? B、What is it? C、What time is it?

( )8、当你想帮助别人时,你应该说:

A、 Can you help you? B、I can help you. C、Let me help.

( )9、当别人向你表示感谢时,你应该说:

A、Thank you. B、Thanks. C、You‘re welcome.

( )10、当你想知道早饭吃什么时,你应说:

A、What’s this? B、What is it? C、What‘s to breakfast?

( )11、当你想知道别人去哪儿里时,你问:

A、Is that far from here ? B、Where are you going ? C、Do you have a map ?

( )12、当你想知道别人想买什么时,你问:

A、What do you want to buy ? B、What do you want to do ?

C、Where is the shop ?

( )13、当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:

A、Turn left. B、Turn right. C、Go straight.

( )14、当你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:

A、Red is stop. B、Yellow is wait. C、Yellow is go.

( )15、当你不想买裙子时,你应该说:

A、I want to buy a dress. B、I don’t want to buy a shirt.

C、I don‘t want to buy a dress.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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