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( )1、May I help ___ ?

A、 you B、 your C、 she

( )2、--____are you?--Fine, thank you.

A、 What B、 Where C、 How

( )3、--Is this a cab?--___.

A、 Yes, it is. B、 Yes, it isn‘t. C、 No, it is.

( )4、--Where’s my book?--___ the bed.

A、 In B、 At C、 On

( )5、--What ___ it? --It‘s a restaurant.

A、 am B、 is C、 are

( )6、--___ is the gym?--I can show you.

A、 What B、 How C、 Where

( )7、--Where are you going?--___ the office.

A、 From B、 Beside C、 To

( )8、Red is ___ .

A、 wait B、 stop C、 go

( )9、A business man works in a (an) ______

A、 office building B、restaurant C、 market

( )10、--Excuse me.--____.

A、 Sorry B、 OK! C、 Yes

( )11、--Let’s go to the library to____.

A、 watch a movie B、fly kites C、 read a book

( )12、--It‘s June. The weather is _______.

A、 cold and snowy B、windy and cloudy C、 hot and sunny

( )13、--I need a new chain. Let’s go to the ______.

A、 silk shop B、bicycle shop C、 tea shop

( )14、--Forty plus nineteen equals ______.

A、 fifty-five B、forty-seven C、twenty-one

( )15、--Let‘s go _________.

A、 shop B、shopping C、 city


( )1、当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:

A、I want to play ping-pong. B、Let’s play ping-pong.

C、You can play ping-pong.

( )2、怎样问星期几?[

A、What day is today? B、What is this? C、How is the weather?

( )3、怎样问价钱?

A、How many is the car? B、How many cars is there? C、How much is the car?

( )4、当你要打扰别人时,你应说:

A、 Excuse me. B、Thank you. C、Sorry.


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