


光影似箭,岁月如梭。期末考试离我们越来越近了。同学们一定想在期末考试中获得好成绩吧!威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了小学四年级英语上册期末模拟题,希望大家多练习。



( ) 1.A. mum B.want C.way

( ) 2.A. pencil B.pen C.play

( ) 3.A. look B.light C. fly

( ) 4.A.shop B.five C.seven

( ) 5.A.face B.cinema C.thirty

( ) 6.A.Monday B.yellow C.Sunday

( ) 7.A.sock B. skirt C. shirt

( ) 8.A.ball B. supermarket C. to

( ) 9.A.bag B.classroom C.with

( ) 10.A.school B.cold C.bike


( )1.A.I read a book. B. I write a story. C.Idraw a picture.

( ) 2.A.Is this his dress? B. Yes, it is .C. I like your skirt.

( ) 3.A.I bursh my teeth. B.I wash my face.C.I put on my clothes.

( ) 4.A. Excuse me. B.I go to school by bike.C.I go to the restaurant by car.

( ) 5.A. Let’s go shopping B. Let’s go to the tea shop.C.What is he wearing?

( )6.A.No, they aren’t. B.Yes, they are.C.These are new trousers.

( )7.A.I watch TV after dinner. B.Iplay on the computer.C.Iwrite a story.

( )8.A.We fly kites. B.We play catch with a ball.C.We read books.

( )9.A.What do you do? B.Where’s the library?C.This way , please..

( )10.A.Is it far from here? B.No, it’s near.C.Ican show you..