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一、 听力(40%)

(1)听朗读,用A,B,C给下列每组图排序。将序号写在 ( ) 中(12%)

a. b.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

(2) 选择听到的句子,将序号填入提前括号内。(8%)

( ) 1. A. Would you like some pork? B. Would you like some beef?

( ) 2 .A. I’ll go to my music lesson. B. I’ll go to my music lesson this Sunday.

( ) 3. A. What will you do on Saturday? B. What will you do tomorrow?

( ) 4. A. What about you, Kate? B. How about you, Kate?


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

(4)听朗读, 选择正确答语,写序号。(10%)

( ) 1. A. I like bread and sausages. B. I’d like some bread and a sausage.

( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. No, thanks.

( ) 3. A. I play computer games at home. B. I’ll read a new storybook.

( ) 4. A. Good idea. B. Thank you.

( ) 5. A.I like singing. B. I’d like to go fishing.

二、 词汇(20%)


( ) 1. A. study B. desk C. armchair D. clock

( ) 2. A. beef B. pork C. bread D. chicken

( ) 3. A . listen B. dance C. paint D. game

( ) 4. A. shopping B. sing C. swimming D. fishing

( ) 5. A. Sunday B. Saturday C. today D. Friday

2. 根据提示写词。(10%)

(1) I’d like some ________.

(2) I like _________.

(3) Would you like some ___________?

(4) Today is Saturday. Tomorrow is _________.

班级_______________ 姓名_____________ 学号_________

(5) I’m not good at swimming, but I can __________ well.

三、 单选。(20%)

( ) 1. Let’s ________ to school.

A. to go B. going C. go

( ) 2. We have so many things _________ our picnic.

A. at B. for C. to

( ) 3. ---Do you have a PE class on Friday? --- Yes, I __________.

A. am B. is C. do

( ) 4. __________ subject do you like best?

A. What’s B. what C. What

( ) 5. I have Chinese classes _________ Wednesday.

A. in B. on C. at

( ) 6. There _________ a book on the desk.

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 7. We have a(an) ________ class on Monday. We all like _________.

A. art, paint B. paint, art C. art, painting

( ) 8. I’ll _________ a party this afternoon.

A. have B. has C. to have

( ) 9. Would you like to go swimming _________ me?

A. for B. to C. with

( ) 10. __________ about watching TV?

A. what B. How C. Where

四 、选择合适的答语。(10%)

( ) 1. Do you like drawing? A. There is a big sofa.

( ) 2. Shall we have a picnic? B. Me too.

( ) 3. What would you like? C. I’ll go to see my grandma.

( ) 5. Can you swim? E. Yes, I can

( ) 4. Come and have lunch, Linda. D. Good idea!


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