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学习的必要前提便是要掌握世界通用技术交流语言—英语。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了四年级下册英语期中综合测试卷,快来练一练。



( )1.A.Chinese B.math C.music D.time

( ) 2.A.two B.to C.eight D.ten

( ) 3.A.go B.rice C.chicken D.milk

( ) 4.A.dinner B.lunch C.bread D.breakfast

( ) 5.A.clock B.home C.school D.classroom

( ) 6.A.ball B.card C.car D.tall

( ) 7.A.cold B.hot C.warm D.weather

( ) 8.A.white B.yellow C.dinner D.red

( ) 9.A.Playground B.gym C.library D.breakfast

( )10.A.26° B.15 C.13 D.14


1. What’s the like?

2. time is it?

3. will be warm in Dali.

4. you!

5. you have a library?


( )1.We have lunch 12:00 at school.

A.for B.at C.on

( )2.---- Mum,can I have some soup?

---- ,you can’t.

A.Cool B.Yes C.No

( )3.---- What time is it?

---- It’s 5:30 p.m. It’s time to _________.

A.get up B.go home C.go to school

( )4.----How many ______ are there in your class?


A.floor B.jeans C.students

( )5.----Is it cool?


A.It is B.it isn’t C.it’s not

( )6. We have ________ show today.

A.an B.a C.the

( )7. He __________ terrible.

A.lookes B.look C,looks

( )8. Amy is _________ the playground. Sarah is _________ the gym.

A.in , on B.in , in C.on , in

( )9. Mike goes to PE class ________ 10 o’clock on Monday.

A.at B.in C.on

( )10.----What time is it?

----It’s __________.

A.two ten B.second ten C.three ten


( )1.当你想问对方是不是有一台电脑时,说:

A.Do you have a computer? B.Is this your computer?

C.Is that your computer?

( )2.当你想问图书馆在哪儿时,说:

A.What’s the library? B.Where’s the library?

C.How’s the library?

( )3.当别人到你们学校参观时,你应说:

A.How are you? B.Nice to meet you!

C.Welcom to our school!

( )4.当上学迟到了,应对老师说:

A.I’m sorry. B.Excuse me. C.Nice to meet you1

( )5.现在7点了,当你想叫别人起床时,应说:

A.Wake up! It’s 7 O’clcok. B.Hurry up! It’s 7 O’clcok.

C.Look out! It’s 7 O’clcok.


1.Is there a ________ in your school?

2.It’s time for ________ clsss.

3.I like the ______.

4.Where is my ________?

5.It’s __________.



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