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( )1. A school B subject C Science

( )2. A Maths  B mucic C match

( )3. A what  B when C where

( )4. A about    B again C afternoon

( )5. A forty B fifty C thirty

( )6. A welcome   B Wednesday C watch

( )7. A flower   B river   C great

( )8. A lakes   B cakes  C plays

( )9. A have dinner B have lunch C have a match

( )10.A have a try B try again  C try to fly


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A PE is fun. B I like Maths . C I have Maths.

( )2. A Yes,I have. B I like Music. C Two.

( )3. A Go to school. B Watch TV. C Have lunch.

( )4. A At seven.    B Seven o’clock. C On Monday.

( )5. A Yes, I am.   B Sure. C No, I don’t.


1.--What do you have? --I have and Art.

2.-- do you get up ? -- At seven .

3.--What Monday? --All right.

4.--Can you draw a for me? --It’s difficut .But I ________ try.


一 、补全短语并写意思。(10分)

1. draw( ) 2.some ( )

3.play( ) 4. at( )

5.have( ) 6. a ( )match

7.watch( ) 8. go( )

9in( ) 10.see a( ) in the park

二 、单词辨音,相同的用T,不同的用F表示.(4分)

1.bag take ( ) 2. She bed ( )

3.three tree( ). 4. Friday Chinese ( )

三 、找出不同类的单词(6分)

( ) 1. A. hill B. draw C. swim

( ) 2. A. river B. lake C. Easy

( ) 3. A. Park B. This C.that

( ) 4. A. Are B. Yes C.is

( ) 5. A. Art B. music C.lesson

( ) 6. A. Morning B. in C.afternoon

四 、选择题。(15分)

( )1.What about ?

A.your B.yours C.you

( )2.--What subjects you ? --We have Maths and English.

A.do like B.would like C.do have

( )3.-- subjects do you like? --We have six subjects.

A. What B.How C.How many

( )4.We don’t have lessons today.

A.some B.any C.a

( )5.Yang Ling some lessons this Saturday.

A. has B.have C.having

( )6.Let’s table tennis.

A.go and play B.play and C.going and playing

( )7.--It’s time PE. --Let’s to the playground.

A.to go B.for going C.for go

( )8.-- time is it? --It’s seven.

A.when B.What C.what time

( )9-- do you have dinner? --At seven.

A.Where B.When C.What

( )10.Can you see a boat the river?

A.in B.at C.on


( )11--Who are we? --Jack, Tom and .


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